How we do it

In the global marketplace of metals, volatility and fast-paced changes are the norms. As an organisation we endeavour to assimilate the changes happening worldwide and quickly adapt our business practices accordingly, to be in a position to continue to bridge the gap between the supply source and our customers' needs, whatever the circumstance.

Our values of honesty, integrity, self-control and fairness govern our approach to business and we keep these values close to our heart and at the forefront of our mind. In addition, we recognise the value of the people that make our business happen and work with those individuals and organisations that have enthusiasm for the recycling industry and strive for fair trade practices.

Our aims and objectives are:

  • to continue working in an effective, efficient, ethical manner with mutual trust and understanding.

  • to align ourselves with best practices, delivering profits instead of seeking best prices.

  • to differentiate ourselves by refraining from short term opportunistic purchases or sales.

  • to retain stable business relationships with carefully selected partners.

  • to provide a source and encourage the use of recovered metals rather than primary raw materials.

  • to be local with a global reach.

  • to retain the position of a respectable global supply chain management company.



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